By AV, on June 14th, 2023% Description
After spending plenty of time designing different self-locking bobbins I decided to make an universal tool which would allow to simplify this process.
Freeware tool for automatic self-locking bobbin design based on core dimensions – ribbon width, stack thickness (buildup), window height, window width. Can be used for EI, C-core and . . . → Read More: BA-TrafoBobbinMaker: tool for automatic self-locking transformer bobbin design
By AV, on October 19th, 2010% WARNING: This is preliminary version of manual, I will update it later with pictures, more tube samples, and restoration walk-through. Please note this manual have some Cyrillic writings originally found on these devices, so make sure your browser display them correctly.
L1-3 and L3-3 are among the best and powerful transconductance . . . → Read More: L1-3/L3-3 Vacuum Tube/Valve Tester User Manual
By AV, on March 3rd, 2009% Preface
After restoring my Fisher 400, I could not let my smart head and creative hands rest. So I have started to look for another tube gear to apply my newly acquired skills. There was plenty of stuff around, but importing from USA to European Union is quite prohibitive – around $200 – . . . → Read More: Pioneer SM-83 Vacuum Tube Amplifier Restoration
By AV, on December 12th, 2008% Preface
“A door has opened for you, and your family, on virtually unlimited years of musical enjoyment.” Avery Fisher, 1964g. If you like tube sound, vintage Fisher tuners/amplifiers are among the top choice – they are well designed and build, and despite 40+ years of age, still provide many people with the excellent . . . → Read More: Fisher Vacuum Tube Tuner/Amplifier Restoration