oVirt Virtualization Cluster – UPS with LiFePO4 Batteries and Automatic Shutdown


We had oVirt virtualization cluster runnning for quite a while (on HP ProLiant hardware), and it (along with 2 other servers) was powered with APC SmartUPS 3000 with additional battery pack. Some time ago I noticed that battery level indicator was never 100% at UPS (while 100% at add-on battery pack). APC software indicated . . . → Read More: oVirt Virtualization Cluster – UPS with LiFePO4 Batteries and Automatic Shutdown

RAID L1/5/10 Benchmarks for oVirt/KVM Virtualization Servers


One day we finally decide to install a virtualization cluster. Although we had just several Linux and 2 Windows servers, managing all that staff scattered across different boxes becomes too cumbersome and time consuming, so move and run them under KVM (kernel virtual machine) on 2 physical servers was a logical solution. . . . → Read More: RAID L1/5/10 Benchmarks for oVirt/KVM Virtualization Servers

Revitalization of the Old Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 11 Laptop


I have an old laptop – Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 11, manufactured between 2011-2013, which I use about 6 weeks in a year. With recent OS it becomes a slowpoke, even with 500GB 7200RPM hard drive. so I run into dilemma – what to do next, replace or upgrade. Basically laptop is very . . . → Read More: Revitalization of the Old Lenovo ThinkPad Edge 11 Laptop

Linux Tips & Tricks

[2024-10-01] Fix “Someone is currently logged into the APC UPS Management Web Server.”

Open URL http://your-ups-ip/logout.htm in your web browser.

[2024-01-17] Klipper/Guilouz (Creality Kx Printers) Script Can’t be Updated or Installed

Update or installation fails because not enough space on /root volume. Often script is being partially downloaded and therefore can’t be executed. Here is . . . → Read More: Linux Tips & Tricks