Bookmarks First release 8/26/00 last update 05/12/01

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Entertainment in Maricopa County:

 AZ night life

Audio Forums and Links

Harmonic Discord Forum
Bottlehead Forum
Audio Asylum
Welbourne Forum
Decware Forum
Ed HornShoppe Horns
Audio Corner Forum (speakers)
Madisound Speaker Forum
Subwoofer Forum
Parts Express Audio Forum
AV Forum UK based (I have not figured this one out yet.)
Enjoy the Music Index
Circuit Archive (Heath and Dynaco)

Hobbies that will make you say OUCH!

Fantastically Dangerous Capacitor bank Experiments
Bert Hickman's Quarter Shrinker
Tesla Mania

Z machine and teravolts
Pumpkin Chunkin
List of Tesla Coil Formulas
Brian's Pages: Trebuchet!!
TASER - For the urban exercise walker

Hobbyists that will make you say "OUCH!
For a case of DR. Pepper will you be my buddy?"
 Randy's Foreplay Tube amp
 Quest's Foreplay Page
 Tom's Foreplay Page
 Olen's Hobby page (broken?)

Audio Kits

Electronic Tonalities                         (I'm a Happy Owner.)
Triode Electronics Home Page and World HQ     (I'm a Happy Owner.)
Welbourne Labs Web site
Sonic Frontiers International
ASV Tube Amplifier Kit KTA-60

Audio Parts Dealers

Michael Percy Audio Ordering Information
Antique Electronic Supply Online!
Welbourne Labs Web site

Angela Instruments
*** Handmade's web site Pg.1***
VTV Capacitors

Tube Resources

Duncan's Amp Pages
Tube Cad
Java T pad calculator (enter 100000 for 100k)
Steve's Tube Bench
Links to Spice Models
Reading 5 band resistors

R.G. Keen's Tube Amplifier Debugging Page
VAC's notes on debugging tube problems (hit home for their home page.)

Places to Learn About Electronics
Basic Electronics from SweetHaven (in work, worth looking at.)
Basics of vacuum tubes.
Navy's Electrical Engineering Training Series (NEETS)
EE 480 Transistor basics (This will help with tubes too.  Broken link)
My First Amplifier Web Site (recommended by someone on the Bottlehead BBS.)
Science-ebooks on basic electronics (from a Bottlehead post)
EE 101, good for beginners
Joe Yellico's soldering notes.
Quest's Foreplay page with soldering information
AudioExpress audio classics PDF files
Svetlana How A Tube Works

Horn Type Loudspeakers

The Horn Shoppe, Horn speakers                  (I'm a Happy Owner.)
Horn Foldings
Voigt Pipe using Fostex 208's
Michel Paquette's Horn Speaker Page (broken)

Speaker Drivers

Madisound Speaker Components
Welcome to Fostex USA!
Mapleshade and Wildchild! Recordings           (To drive your speakers with!)

Electronic Parts/ Equipment

Digi-Key Corporation Home Page

MCM electronics (click on guest)
Allied Electronics - Specializing in Electronic Components and Equipment Distribution.
Parts Express - Home / Car / Pro Audio, Speakers - Woofers and Full Electronics Catalog
                    (Parts Express can sometimes be a SLOW page, be patient)
Panel Meters

I'm Bored, What to do? ? ? Cruise random sites.

TerraServer Satellite images (I could see my old home on this.)

MicroSoft's TerraServer
Ikonos satellite images for sale.

Google Whacking. . .Can you find just one hit using real words?

Comedy Central
Lycos Web MD (Something other than the browser for insomnia)

Carpets and carpet approved vacuum cleaners. (You must really be bored!)
Antique Radio Classified

PC Cable pin outs
Windows 98 performance hints

Tweak3d - Excellent tweaks for windows and for speeding your modem up. The modem tweaks worked well for me and my mother! These tweaks are not for the fat fingered or timid!

Updated and checked on 17 Jun 2002.