Welcome to my web site. It is devoted for CNC, Audio (mostly vintage), Linux, Mac, Desktop Publishing and programming. I have created all this stuff to share my experience and ideas. Hope you can find something useful.
This site have started its life back in 1996 as “MacGuru Temple” and was hosted by GeoCities (in fact, casual discovery of GeoCities inspired me to create it), then by free Apple iTools. Unfortunately, GeoCities become too commercialized, while Apple terminated free hosting service, and I had to move its away.
Very old version of this site (backdated to 2000 – 2003) may be found here. Despite age, there is a plenty of interesting IT, Mac and Linux related info. I will add new articles upon availability of free time.
Your comments and suggestions are very welcome. Feel free to contact me anytime.
Saved copies of once great but now defunct web sites
Patrick Turner’s (Turner Audio Australia) web site, status: complete. contains a tons of valuable information and experience of original author.
PDF copy of Garry Pimm’s DIY site available here. Status: few articles lost, only 1 archive with PCB design files survived.
Steve (Stephie) Bench site. Status: complete.
VoltSecond DIY site. Status: almost complete, few images are missing. I merged several Wayback machine snapshots to rebuild it to the best condition possible.
HHScott.com site is back online! Status: 99% complete, few images are lost. Some very old JavaScript / galleries don’t work. Site design is very old, navigation is quite cumbersome, here are links to site map, product gallery and schematics.