ITEMS FOR SALE, April 2017.
To make inquiries, email Patrick Turner,

See conditions of sale at the bottom of this page.
Item 1. An American DJ turntable, model TTB2010/C MKII.

New Audio Technica cartridge.
There is no plastic cover for the unit. $200.00.
Item 2. Thorens 150 TT, complete, $200, email me for test results
of condition.
Item 3. Thorens 160 TT, complete, $200, email me for test results
of condition.
These have not been used for last 5 years, and may need a belt
Item 4. Rabco TT with parallel tracking arm which can take most
generic two bolt cartridges.

Fair appearance, It needs a new cartridge. Electronic start stop
functions have have touch controls which do not work properly.
I suspect a full rebuild of internal electronics is needed. The
unit has Harmon Kardon label on plinth and has arm mechanism
labelled Rabco. I do have time to devote to the unit. Price
Item 11. Phillips Gramophone with built in amplifier.

This is maybe a 1972 model Phillips gramophone, ie, it has a TT
with selectable 4 speeds 16,33,45 and 78 rpm records. There is an
old fashioned
ceramic cartridge, and solid state amp in the box under the TT.
The two speakers fit down over the amp box and clip into place and
it can
be carried like a suitcase. One speaker is shown with its back to
us to show the open baffle type of speaker enclosure.
Bass isn't up to standards wished by 2006 teenagers, but is
improved with speakers placed against a wall.
It is very good for 78 rpm replay, but just a fun toy. offers.
I do sell vacuum tubes for amplifiers and old radios, and some
other amplifier parts. There are no low power output transformers
for old radios
and radio grams.
Because of the low worldwide stocks of NOS small size premium
grade audiophile tubes I will only supply 6CG7, 12AU7 and some
if used in a new amplifier or repaired or re-engineered amp.
I have a number of new old stock and used tubes ( or valves ) for
old radios or tubed radio-grams.
When people email me to tell me they want a replacement tube or
valve, typically a 6V6, 6J7, 5Y3, there usually is a problem in
the radio which
cannot be fixed by just replacing a tube.
Prices shown do not include packing and freight costs.
Prices in Australian dollars.
Payments subject to prior arrangement through email.
Payments may be by Internet banking deposit, bank cheque or postal
order in Australian dollars.
Payments must include all payment transfer costs and freight costs
and for packaging.
Payments may be made in cash paid at my premises.
I do not have credit card or EFPOS bank card facilities.
Items will not be sent until a full payment is received.
Warranty cannot be offered on items under $100 value, and if
granted are valid 3 months,
and void if the equipment is abused in any way.
Should anyone wish to purchase the items in alternative condition
to that shown, they should email me to
discuss the work and the costs.
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