Parafeed Fun
First Web Edition
1 Jan 07, Last update 31 Jan 07
Caution: This
web page deals with high voltages.
Contact with these voltages can cause injury and/
or death
both to you and what you land on after being shocked.
Unplug it, discharge it, measure
it (DC and AC) before touching it.
This is the first web page where
I'm not supporting Netscape 4.7, wish me luck.
Related pages:
have been a few Parafeed
spreadsheets popping up on the
Internet and with some prodding from Mikey, I decide to make one of my
own over Christmas. A nice man from NY helped by introducing me
to the complex functions in
Excel. The last time I did calculations like this, I did the
calculations the hard
way and did the complex math long hand. The complex functions in Excel
make life
much easier. Long hand math is for homework assignments in college.
first step was to use Pspice to get a few "Error Free" plots to
check the spread sheet against. This will also let me know what plots I
want to put in the spread sheet.
The plots
start at 1 Hz. This is useful for seeing trends below 20 Hz, but what
we normally care about is
what is happening at 20 Hz and higher.
The plots stop at 1000 Hz. The model we are using isn't valid above
1000 Hz because it does not include parasitic capacitances and leakage
The trick
will be to keep our eye on the
"big picture."
We want to:
- Optimize
the power supply rejection, more specifically, power supply rejection
divided by the output voltage
- Optimize
the output impedance
of the amp, i.e. don't throw away the damping factor.
- Optimize
the load line
on the tube and
- Optimize
the frequency
response of the output over the
entire audio
messing anything else
up and WITH having enough cash left over
at then end of the day to enjoy a glass of original Dr Pepper from Dublin Dr. Pepper.
We'll look at a
simple model
and vary the plate choke, Parafeed capacitor and transformer primary
inductance one at a time to see what they do.
Part 2
We'll look at adding a
few losses to the circuit.
Part 3
We'll add DrP (Damped
Resonance Parafeed.)
Part 4
I'll introduce an Excel
spread sheet to run these plots.
Part 1:
The Simple Model
is a simplified model of a
Parafeed circuit. The DCRs of the plate
choke and transformer are omitted and the impedance of the B+ is set
Because the losses in the iron and copper are not included in the
model, when we see resonances, they will be are
larger than in real life.
is a basic frequency sweep with a
huge 40,000 Henry plate
This is equivalent to a CCS feeding the tube instead of a plate choke.
- The top trace is the output
of the amplifier in dB.
- Generally the
the better.
- Gentle slopes as we go
below 20 Hz towards 1 Hz are usually
better than steep slopes
- Note that the difference
between a -3 dB point at 20 Hz and 22
Hz is
probably not
- Remember, keep an eye
on the big picture.
- The bottom trace
[(V(Plate)/I(V1))] is the plate load impedance
as seen by the tube.
- The higher
is better if the phase angle is at zero
- If the phase angle is not
zero, higher impedance
is still better, but 5K at zero degrees is usually better than about 6K
at 45 degrees.
- The middle traces are the
phase angle of load impedance seen by
the tube (green)
[P(-V(Plate)/I(V1))] and the phase angle of the voltage at the output
lets drop the plate choke down to an affordable 40H. My normal
rule of thumb for a plate choke is it should be 8H for every kohm of
or larger. So with a 5K load, the plate choke should be about 40H or
Other people use 10H per kohm of load as a rule of thumb. The
difference between 40 and 50H isn't that big. We
normally don't care about the phase shift at 20 Hz to the speaker (red
trace in middle plot), but it is included in this plot anyway.

running of plots one at a time
makes it difficult to see what is
changing. So what I'll do next is sweep one parameter at a time (plate
choke, Parafeed cap and primary inductance) so we
see what each parameter does.
Let's see what the Parafeed cap does at
0.2 uF, 2 uF, 20 uF and 200 uF.
run plots with the Parafeed cap
set to 0.2 uF, 2 uF, 20 uF and 200 uF.
clarity, I deleted the phase at the load (the speaker). We care more
the phase angle of the plate load seen by the tube than the low
phase at the speaker.
We can see more capacitance leads to a lower - 3 dB frequency (good), a
flatter phase angle on the load line (good) but a lower impedance load
line (not so good if it occurs in the audio range.)

--- There
are two other things we care about in an audio amp. ---
are at least two other things we
about in an audio amp. The top two
things that come to mind are the power supply
ripple rejection and output impedance (damping factor).
- The power
supply rejection is run
with the load attached to the
- -40 dB is better than -30
dB for the power
supply rejection.
However, I doubt anyone could hear the difference between -40 dB and
-37 dB at low
frequencies. The top set of curves is
the power supply rejection in dB, more negative (lower) is better.
- Note: Yes I know
rejection should be
specified as a positive number, but the plots are easier as a positive
- -40 dB means 1V of ripple
on B+ is
reduced to 0.01V a the primary of the transformer.
- There is a question to be
resolved: Display
actual power supply ripple rejection or display ripple rejection
divided by small signal output response. This isn't signal to noise
because noise involves more sources than just the power supply,
but it is similar. The advantage of this is it is harder to fool
ourselves that we've improved the PSRR with out hurting anything else.
- The output impedance of the
amplifier is usually measured with
load removed from the output of the amplifier.
- This will remove any
the speaker provides for the amp; however, we want the amp to damp the
speaker, not the other way around.
- The
bottom trace is the impedance at
the output of the amp (lower is
better) with the reflected transformer load impedance removed
from the
equation with
different Parafeed capacitors.
- The peaks
in real life won't be that high because of losses in the iron, but the
trend will be the same.
- Lower Parafeed capacitor
values leads to higher
output impedances (lower damping factors.)
For both curves: Lower is better,
is better.
First lets look at the results displayed as Power Supply
Rejection and Output impedance.

Now lets decide how we want to display rejection of B+ ripple, PSRR.
Lets examine the plot below to see what we learn.
- The bottom plot is PSRR
displayed as how much ripple from B+
actually makes it to the output.
- 0.2 uF looks impressive
compared to all the other values.
However, remember: There Ain't No Such Thing As a Free Lunch. (TANSTAFL)
- The middle trace is how much
voltage swing from the tube actually
makes it to the output.
- Notice that 0.2 uF rolls
the output off at a fairly high
frequency. This is one "Bills" we pay for a "good PSRR lunch". The
question is did we get what we paid for?
- The top trace is the bottom
trace divided by the middle trace.
- This normalizes the voltage
on the output from the power supply
to the voltage on the output from the tube. This allows us to make a
better comparison of what the changes do.
- Looking at the top plot, we
see that changing the Parafeed
capacitor value doesn't affect the PSRR when it is normalized to the
output response.
- Digging deeper, this means
for dB we gain in B+ ripple
rejection we lose a dB in audio output.
- In other words for
every dB in rejection we get we
loose a dB of music.

- Zout (damping) is better with
large Parafeed capacitors.
- -3 dB at the output is better
with large Parafeed capacitors
- The load line (impedance seen
by the tube) is best (to my eyes)
with a
medium Parafeed capacitor. A small Parafeed capacitor gives the highest
load impedance, but the phase angle [ P(-V(plate)/I(V2) ]is not
so the load line becomes elliptical.
- A small Parafeed cap gives
better power supply rejection at low
frequencies, BUT, this rejection is at the expense of a higher - 3 dB
point and a worst damping factor. I'd stick with medium to large
Parafeed capacitors.
Hint: The less you work a
capacitor (change the voltage across it), the
better it will perform.
I'd start a design with a
moderate Parafeed cap: 8 uF / 1K
of plate resistance (1K = 8 uF, 2k = 4 uF). More capacitance will give
better damping. A lower value will roll off the -3 dB point so as to
drive the Parafeed transformer as hard if saturation is a problem. If I
wanted to raise the -3 dB
point (say from 20 Hz to 40 Hz), my preference would be to use the
Parafeed capacitor for good damping and roll the -3 dB point off in the
drive to the output stage .
Let's see what the plate choke does at 4H,
and 400H.
examine what happens with
the plate choke at 4H, 40H and
400H with the Parafeed cap (Cpara) set to 2 uF and
then to 20 uF.
- On the top plot
(VdB(Primary)) we want to see a low - 3dB
frequency without peaking.
- The bottom trace
[(V(Plate)/I(V1))] is the plate load impedance
as seen by the tube. We want this to dip down at as low a frequency as
- The middle plot is the phase
angle of the the plate load
impedance. We'd like this to be zero degrees to as low a frequency as


the power supply rejection (top)
output impedance (bottom)
the plate choke at 4H, 40H and 400H.
For both curves: Lower is better, flat is better


one where the PSRR isn't
normalized. When it is normalized, it is easy to see that at 4H, the
power supply noise is higher than the music below about 80 Hz.
When it isn't normalized to the output response, we completely miss
this wonderful discovery.

In general,
- Zout (damping) can be better
with smaller plate chokes (4H).
- -3 dB is better with large
plate chokes (400H)
- The load line (impedance seen
by the tube) is best with a large
- The Power Supply rejection is
greatly influenced by the plate
choke and
more inductance is better.
improvement in damping from
smaller plate chokes can be easily lost
to the higher -3 dB points and to lower output power due to elliptical
low impedance load lines and the loss in "real" B+ noise rejection. The
other issue with using a small plate
choke to improve the damping is the damping runs through B+ and not
directly to ground. For the plate choke, I recommend a moderate (8 H/K
primary reflected load impedance) to high values (400H or CCS
examine what happens with
the primary inductance of the transformer at 4H, 40H and 400H
Let's examine what happens with
the primary inductance of the transformer at 4H, 40H and 400H with the
Parafeed cap (Cpara) set to 2 uF and
then to 20 uF.
- On the top plot
(VdB(Primary)) we
want to see a low - 3dB frequency without significant peaking.
- The bottom trace
[(V(Plate)/I(V1))] is the plate load impedance as seen by the tube.
- We
want this to dip down at as low a frequency as possible.
- Upward peaks are acceptable
if the phase angle stays close to zero.
- The middle plot is the phase
of the the plate load
impedance. We'd like this to be zero degrees to as low a frequency as


Now for the PSRR and output impedance.


I've been told that most good Parafeed Transformers will run 50H of
primary inductance per kohm of rated primary impedance. This means a 5K
primary should run around 250H.
- Large Parafeed Primary
inductances are good in just about all
ways we've looked at.
- The correct way to get
large primary inductances is through
careful manufacturing and good materials
- Adding lots of
primary turns on the same core to get a
large primary inductance adds insertion loss (DCR) and leakage
inductance (which makes the upper -3 dB point worse.)
- >40H per kohm of
reflected load is a
good starting point for power amps.
- The Parafeed Primary
inductance does not have any useful effect on the B+ ripple rejection.
- A small primary inductance
will attenuate the B+ ripple, but for every dB it attenuates the B+, it
also attenuate the audio.
- A low primary inductance
improves the output impedance of the amp, at the expense of a harder
load line to drive (better damping for higher distortion.)
- There may be some argument
that since the output impedance of the amp is inductive, not resistive,
it doesn't help the damping as much as it should.
of what we learned with the simple model
- Plate Choke
- Below 1 kHz, you can't make
the plate choke too large. Economics of weight and cost will limit the
size of the plate choke.
- The plate choke is the only
good place to get more power supply ripple rejection with a given
output tube.
- 10H per kohm of reflected
load is a good starting point for power amps.
- 40H per kohm of plate
resistance is a good starting point for driver stages and preamps.
- Remembering TANSTAFL
- As the plate choke gets
larger, the DCR will usually increase leading to a higher B+
- As the plate choke gets
larger, the capacitance CAN increase which will hurt the performance
above 1 kHz
- As the plate choke gets
larger, it is more likely to couple to other parts.
- Parafeed Capacitor
- A small Parafeed capacitor
can be used to raise the lower -3 dB point to a higher frequency.
- Why raise the -3 dB
point? Raising
the -3 dB point helps keep subsonics from robbing available output
power (saturating) of the Parafeed transformer.
- If you want to limit the
-3 dB point, I recommend limiting it in the driver stage, not with the
Parafeed capacitor.
- A small Parafeed capacitor
can reduce the coupling of B+ noise, but this has a high performance
cost in that it worsens the damping factor and increases the -3 dB
- For every dB of B+ noise
you reject with a small Parafeed cap, you lose 1 dB of signal.
- A small Parafeed capacitor
hurts the damping factor. A large Parafeed capacitor helps the damping
- The load line is best with
a moderate (tuned) Parafeed capacitor.
- Starting from scratch, I'd
pick the Parafeed capacitor for a flat damping factor above 20 to 40 Hz
or so.
- To set the Parafeed
capacitor equal to the plate resistance at 20 Hz (the limiting factor
for damping factor), use a capacitor that is 8 uF / 1K
of plate resistance (1K = 8 uF, 2k = 4 uF). I'd use this rule for power
amps and preamps. I haven't decided if I'd use a smaller cap in a
driver stage or not.
- Start with a cheap
capacitor and voice your amp's bass, then buy a good film and foil
capacitor (oil optional)
- Don't be afraid to
experiment with the Parafeed capacitor value.
- Primary Inductance
- Higher is better in most cases.
- A smaller value used as a grid choke in
a driver stage has the advantage of recovering faster when the grid of
the output tube is driven positive.
- A smaller value can be tuned for better
damping, but at the expense of changes in the load line and in the
lower - 3 dB frequency response.
- If using a smaller Primary inductance,
you'll definitely want to play with tuning the Parafeed capacitor.
- >40H per kohm of RATED reflected load
is a
good starting point for power amps.
- You usually don't have much say in this
parameter except to order premium core materials.
a few losses to the simple model
Lets add the DCR (DC resistance) of the choke and the DCR of the
transformer to the model. These parasitics are easy to measure,
calculate and understand. The core loss isn't easy to measure and most
manufacturer's won't give it to you.
- DCR of the choke is fairly
straight forward. It adds a voltage drop from the DC bias of the tube.
- The DCR of the transformer
adds insertion loss to the transformer.
- This means if we put one
watt in the input, we get less than one watt on the output.
- There are several ways
transformer manufactures deal with the losses from the DCR.
- The turns are set to the
ideal turns ratio. Both the reflected primary impedance and the output
voltage will be off.
- The turns are compensated
so the loaded output voltage is correct (this is usually done on power
- The turns are compensated
so the loaded primary impedance is correct (some audio transformers.)
- A combination of the
- I'm using an impedance
compensated model for the transformer (the primary impedance is

Sweeping the plate choke at 4H, 40H and 400H, we get an output response
that looks like the following. It is kind of hard to tell the
difference between the two except that the output is about a dB lower.

Subtracting the two outputs gives us a magnified view of what is
The top plot shows that the DCR of the plate choke adds a bit more
power supply rejection when the plate choke is small (4H).
The bottom plot shows the DCR of the transformer adds 1 dB of loss at 1
kHz. The DCR of the choke adds some voltage gain at subsonic

The effects of the DCR on the output impedance can be see in the
following plot. At 1 kHz, the DCR of the transformer makes the damping
factor 1.26 times worse.

The output impedance of the
amplifier is dominated by the plate resistance of the tube followed by
the resistance of the transformer windings. If you want better damping
in a SET or Parafeed amp with a given tube, you have to give up some
power and use a higher primary impedance on the transformer. A 10K
primary should have two times better damping than a 5K and a 5K should
be twice as good as a 2.5K. Remember TANSTAFL? To get the better
damping we give up something. If 2.5K is the resistance needed for
maximum power out, the 5K and 10K will give progressively lower output
power for the same tube and bias point.
Damped Resonance Parafeed
It's more than an excellent soft drink.
and long diatribe
to be added later)
With good iron in a Parafeed power amp, DrP doesn't help too much. You
can some times use it to tweak a bit more low frequency power out.
we use budget iron, Damped Resonance Parafeed adds some additional
parameters we can tweak to trade off power handling vs damping vs -3dB
In a driver stage or preamp, DrP can greatly reduce the low frequency
resonance of the unloaded Parafeed tank without having to add a
resistor across the grid choke or Parafeed transformer to ground. This
is good because it gets us a little more voltage gain out of the
circuit and
greatly reduced the loading on the tube (which makes the tube sound
better in my book.)
Because of the DrP resistor in series with the
DrP capacitor, the Parafeed capacitor shorts out the "sound" of the DrP
cap at
almost all frequencies. This means the DrP cap can be a slightly lower
than the Parafeed capacitor. I happen to like metal foil capacitors.
DrP means I
use a metal foil (film and foil) capacitor for the Parafeed capacitor
and then
use a metalized cap for the DrP cap.
on this link for technical discussions on Transformer / LC Tank Damping
Part 4
A Spread Sheet to
Play With
To use this spread sheet, you'll
need to have your EXCEL install disk in hand and do the following:
In Excel, Click on
Analysis ToolPak
[not the Analysis ToolPak - VBA]
Put your Excel install disk in
the CD drive and follow the rest of the instructions.
Click here to get the Excel File: Parafeed
Circuit Spread Sheet
The Excel spread sheet models this
circuit from about 1 Hz to 1 kHz.

The data section of spread sheet looks something like this:

spread sheet will model two designs at once so you can compare them.
- All inputs are in cells with a YELLOW
back ground.
- The Rplate of the tube and
Rload are the easy numbers to pick. If you don't know what the numbers
are, just used the suggested "Typical Starting Values"
- If
you don't want to use DrP, just
set the C_DrP = 1% of the actual Parafeed capacitor and the R_DrP= 0.
- To
make this a CCS fed Parafeed, Set
the R_Choke_DCR to 1,000,000
The normal things we care about are
in a table format
- The Output Peaking is the
highest peak from 1 Hz to 1 kHz with
respect to the 1 kHz output level to the speaker.
- The -3 dB Small signal
frequency is the calculated -3 dB
low level response assuming the inductance of all the magnetics does
not change with drive or frequency.
- The - 3 dB power response is
where the load on the tube drops to
70% of the 1 kHz load. On preamps and grid choke designs, this number
will have no meaning. On a tube with a load impedance set to maximum
power output, this number is the frequency where the distortion starts
to rapidly climb.
- PSRR at 100 Hz and 120 Hz is
how much the Parafeed design
attenuates the B+ ripple at 100 Hz and 120 Hz.
Frequency Check
K3 (30 Hz) lets you input a frequency for a detailed analysis. You can
enter any frequency you want between 1 Hz and above 1 kHz.
thing that is missing is an analysis of the transformer
saturation limited
allowed output power vs frequency. I'm not sure this is a big deal to
not have it.
- I'm not sure if we can get
consistent data from the transformer manufacturer's that is taken at
the same
level of peak distortion, input loading, output loading etc.
- I'm not sure if anyone other
the Paul Joppa could use that curve without messing up all the other
"normalized" load impedance seen by the tube
vs frequency plot looks like the following.

The small signal frequency response and power supply rejection is given
in a plot that looks like the following. For dB out, flat and a low -
3dB is best. For PSRR, in this plot more negative is better (-50 is
better than -40). If you look close, you'll see the 1 kHz Vout is not 0
dB. This is because the plot shows the effects of loading on the tube.

Part 4.1
Examine a Driver Stage.
- CCS fed plate
- Set
R_Choke_DCR to 990k
- 1000 times R_plate is also a good way to
change to
a CCS drive
- .33 uF Parafeed cap
- 750H 900 grid choke with no parallel
resistor [ Note: Set R_load to 990K or 1 meg ]
- 7000 ohm Rplate
We see that the output peaking (Design 1) is 13.4 dB
and if we increase the capacitance by adding the DrP cap with no series
resistance, the peaking is 11.2 dB. This is a hint that just adding
more capacitance won't kill the peaking easily.

Lets add the estimated value for R DrP and see that the peaking drops
from 11.2 dB down to 5.32 dB.

Just for kicks, we'll use the Excel Goal seek function to try to drive
the peaking down.
Goal Seek function is found under
The trick to using goal seek is not to get greedy
all at once. Don't go for zero on peaking. Go for a little smaller than
the existing peaking. If it doesn't work, try a different goal and it
may work. In this case, the goal seek couldn't find a better value than
the estimated value.
With a 0.33 uF DrP, the output response's improvement can be seen in
the following plot.
DrP works better with the DrP cap set to 2 to 3
times the Parafeed capacitor. Using the suggested DrP resistor, 2X cap
has 3.19 dB peaking where 1X had 5.32 dB peaking. After running the
goal seek optimization, the 2X gets 0.01 dB better. Not that big of a
deal. This also shows that the DrP resistor isn't very sensitive to its
value. We changed it 10% and got almost no change.

Lets check a 1 uF DrP. Going from 2X to 3X buys us 1 dB less peaking.
For 1 dB I'd just use the 2X value.

The historical way to kill the subsonic peaking
a driver is to put a resistor across the grid choke. This kills the
peaking, but it makes the driver tube work harder. Lets use Goal seek
to pick a damping resistor across the grid choke and compare it to a 2X
DrP damping cap. Remember to use small steps when tweaking in the
peaking by changing part values with goal seek.
To get "0 dB" peaking we need to put a 36K resistor across the grid

At 1 kHz, the grid resistor costs us 1.5
dB in gain over adding the DrP cap.

Now for the interesting plot.
- The load the driver needs to drive is about
501K at 1 kHz using DrP
- The load the driver needs to drive is about
34K at 1 kHz using the
damping resistor across the grid choke.
- At 40 Hz, DrP presents a 166K load to the
tube and the resistor across
the grid choke presents a 34K load.
I'd much rather have the 166K load on the tube
than the 34K load on the driver tube.

Now to be fair to the Resistor across the grid
choke damping method. Lets increase the resistor across the grid choke
until the load at 40 Hz is 166K. This requires using a 1.09 megohm
resistor across the grid choke. The peaking is now 13.6 dB with the
resistor across the grid choke instead of 3.2 dB with the 2X DrP

Like I said, DrP. . .
it's more than an excellent soft drink.
Here's the before and after schematic. Note: R4 and R8 aren't real
resistors in the circuit.

Here's the DrP plots. The output peaking is slightly different than the
Excel spread sheet mostly because the Pspice plot uses fine frequency
steps and the Excel plot uses course frequency steps.

Is This Gain Peaking a Problem?.
Lets not lose track of the ball:
- Take all measurements with a grain of salt.
We are talking tubes here. If measurements meant something actually
sounded better, we'd be listening to Solid State.
- Measurements are good for helping us make decisions
instead of guesses. Measurements won't
tell us how it sounds,
but they can help us understand what we need to change to improve the
sound. This is as long as we don't mess anything else
up in the process and we're smart enough to make the "right"
Thoughts on 1-20 Hz gain peaking
- Because the “5 Hz” gain
peaking can be excited by B+ and
grid conduction, rolling off the gain of previous stages does not
remove the risk of having problems.
- 1-20 Hz is a problem area
with LPs. Subsonics from a record can aggravate low frequency gain
- 1-20 Hz could be a problem
with bias recovery from
repetitive clipping (either at the
drive tube or forward biasing the grid of a tube on the output of the
stage.) Asymmetrical clipping is usually worse than symmetrical
- 1-20 Hz can be a problem with
115V line modulation. I've
seen a 3 Hz B+ ripple in my equipment I can't explain. Line dips and
peaks could cause
excursions in the bias point. Plug a 500W lamp in to the same outlet as
the amp
to check for problems when the lamp is turned on and off.
- 1-20 Hz could be a problem
with motor boating between tube
stages that share a power transformer.
- IF there are
more than one gain stage in a system,
make sure that if there is peaking, that the peaking does not
occur at the
frequency. Three 15 dB peaks at 5 Hz gives a total system peak of 45
dB. With
multiple stages and amps, either split the frequencies where the peaks
occur an
octave apart or damp the peaking some how.
Play safe and
have fun out there.
If you have questions or comments,
contact me through Asylum Mail.
First version 01 Jan 07,
Last update 31 Jan 07