My FileMaker Contact Management System (Screenshots)

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Screenshot 1: Contacts - Main Window
Make it easy to use! All information should be one or two clicks away (with the navigation toolbar on the top)


Screenshot 2: Contacts - Status Info
Here you can enter information about your partners' activities and "subscribe" them to certain mailing lists


Screenshot 3: Contacts - Equipment Info
Essential customer's data (like sold/installed equipment) must be categorized in proper manner


Screenshot 4: Contacts - File Navigation Window
It takes just two clicks to open any related file from main contacts window (see screenshot 1)!


Screenshot 5: Product Database (Computer-related) - Navigation


Screenshot 6: Product Database - B&W Print
There are several ways to print content of product database: list (description + price, not shown here), detailed description with or without price, either with color either with B&W pictures depending upon output device (switched with buttons on the top); with custom header and footer (stored as global binary objects)


Screenshot 7: Product Database - Detailed Description


Screenshot 8: Product Database - Price Calculation
Features: items consisted of multiple parts, multiple currencies, different ways of price/margin/profit calculations

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